HEALTHY SKIN STARTS FROM THE GUT Post-junk food breakout? Been there. It’s just one example of how your skin can be affected by what’s in your gut. Bellway Beauty gets you closer to healthier skin by gently detoxifying your digestive system, thanks to a natural, organic fiber called psyllium (say it with us: “si-lee-uhm”). Plus, by helping you stay fuller longer, psyllium reduces cravings so you don’t end up munching on unhealthy food that can break you out. COLLAGEN HELPS YOU GLOW We’ve paired our super psyllium fiber with collagen, the foundation of our skin, hair, and nails. Taking collagen can increase skin elasticity, decrease wrinkles, hydrate your skin, and protect it from damage. Hyaluronic acid, another component of our skin, is great for a dewy, moisturized look, so we’ve added some of that, too. What can we say—we’re just generous like that. BENEFITS FOR YOUR BOD Bellway Beauty doesn’t stop working at your skin, hair, and nails. Thanks to the gut-healing wonder that is psyllium, it also eliminates bloating, helps balance your weight, and keeps you regular.